Call for permanent position as ICAS Staff
ICAS is a center devoted to promote high-quality collaborative research in areas of basic science, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina (more info at ICAS web page). The center has a transverse structure with a few permanent groups, associates from different institutions of Argentina and the region, short-term visitors, postdocs and PhD students. Every year, ICAS runs several schools, conferences, seminars, workshops and institutes. Current research groups consist in High-Energy physics directed by Profs. Daniel de Florian and Ezequiel Alvarez, and in Condensed Matter directed by Prof. Liliana Arrachea.
During 2018, ICAS will open 2 positions for permanent staff as ICAS-CONICET fellow in broad areas in physics. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience (with Gross salaries ranging between ARS40.000 to ARS90.000). Applications will be first reviewed by ICAS International Committee. The successful candidates should have demonstrated ability to conduct independent research and potential for leadership in their field. In addition to academic excellence, the candidate is expected to demonstrate high-commitment, initiative, enthusiasm and capacity for running and/or proposing ICAS activities.
In order to apply, candidates must submit (before February 1st 2018- NEW deadline extended until February 15) a CV, a statement of purpose describing the research goals (2 pages max) and the names of three references, to ICAS Director at
Further info: