High Energy Physics | Exoplanets | Dark Matter | Underground Experiments

International Conference @ Buenos Aires & Las Grutas, December 9th - 14th (2020)

Eclipse 2020

The first part of the conference will be at ICAS-UNSAM in Buenos Aires. The second part of the Conference will be held at Las Grutas (Rio Nego, Argentina), and the final banquet in the Southern Beach of the town.

(Eclipse Interactive map)

Las Grutas & San Antonio Mayor Dr. Adrian Casadei, City Sec. of State María Marcela, Rio Negro Province and City Hall Eclipse-Team, together with ICAS Profs. Ezequiel Alvarez, Rodrigo Díaz and Jose Flores (Foreign Office) planning the ECLIPSE 2020 event in a series of meetings during 2019 and 2020 in Buenos Aires, San Antonio and Las Grutas..


Photo by Barton Davis Smith