International Center for Advanced Studies

Ezequiel Alvarez

ICAS Staff since March 2016

ICAS Director since 2021

Discussing top quark forward backward asymmetry (Stanford SLAC 50 years book).

Science has reached an amazing result on the composition of the Universe. We should share this result with the whole community while put all our effort to understand Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

COVID-19 Expert Committee consulting for Buenos Aires Province Governor during 2020

ICAS Staff and M. Zaldarriaga at UNSAM mensa.
  • Resume: Summary CV and Full CV
  • Full Name: Ezequiel Alvarez
  • Contact: sequi at unsam edu ar
  • Position: ICAS and CONICET Fellow, UNSAM Professor
  • Trajectory in brief:
    • Master @ Instituto Balseiro (2001)
    • PhD @ Valencia University (2005)
    • Permanent position @ CONICET-UBA (2006)
    • PostDoc @ Stanford (2012)
    • ICAS Staff (2016)
  • Current research: Phenomenology of Beyond the Standard Model searches at the LHC and (mainly Bayesian) Machine Learning techniques applied in HEP, Cosmo and Astro-ph physics.
  • Main interests: NP searches at the LHC, recent results/deviations in Astro-ph observations, Dark Matter searches. I am also very interested in recent progress in all other fields of Science and I do my best to keep track of relevant news articles about this. Hey, I follow for this!
  • Science Policy: I pursue to conduct science to best serve public interests. I am very concerned and committed in promoting minorities and women in science; 60% of my PhD students are women. I am interested in enhancing knowledge and intelligence in the Developing World as an added value for improving the quality of life as a whole.

Brief Statement of Purpose

I am passionate about finding out how the Universe behaves Beyond the Standard Model. As most of hep physicists, one of my major concerns is what is Dark Matter. Or, more correctly, how the Dark Matter puzzle is solved.

I do phenomenology in High Energy Physics. I am neither a theorist nor an experimentalist. From my point of view, we require phenomenology to attack the present day state-of-the-art (read: most of the predicted theories and arguments have fell, the LHC, the Astro-ph and the direct DM detection experiments are running incredibly good, but we have nothing. We are sailing in unchartered waters.) I work in recognizing different experimental excesses that may come from the same New Physics and designing novel observables that could enhance a signal. In brief, I ultimately put all my effort into thinking out-of-the-box.

That is about research.

I also have an intense and enthusiastic Innovation and Technology applied-science side in which I organize International Conferences and I pursue and coordinate the creation of the International Centre for Economic development through Science and Technology InterEST. In this Centre the Argentine scientific community would partner with foreign companies and Institutions in a Research + Development + Patenting (R+D+P) scheme to foster and power the link between the aforementioned actors.

In human resources formation I teach and supervise Master (8) and PhD (6) Thesis. I do my best to keep students very motivated so that they can get the most out of them. I want them to enjoy doing physics as much as I do!

If I had to summarize my work, my passion, my wishes, my past, my present and my future in one word, that would be: Motivation.

Buenos Aires, January 2023


(Almost) Complete list of publications from Inspire

Invited talks, seminars and courses

Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Tools

  • Company-tailored AI training: AI trainings tailored for customer needs. Technical, for Executive Leaders, or a customized mixture set of online lectures with plenty availability in Slack Q&A. Customers include Public University, private companies and major Banks such as JP Morgan & Chase Latin America & Canada.
  • Intelligent Parliament: Artificial Intelligence development for accessing documents in the Argentine National Congress (General 40m AI talk in Spanish for the event)
  • Machine Learning system that learns scientists' preferred topics and sorts daily paper releases accordingly to each user preference
  • Simple Neural Network application for general public access to Artificial Intelligency
  • Extremely simple sending of encrypted messages inspired on Quantum Cryptography

2020 COVID-19 Developments and Tools

  • COVID-19 Early-Outbreak-Alarm: Based on phonecall distribution and density and registered symptoms and confirmed cases, this Early-Outbreak-Alarm detects outbreaks a few days earlier than conventional tests. It is one of the tools used by Buenos Aires Province to mitigate the COVID-19 spread. (See work 1 and work 2, published in the Royal Society). This originated in a dashboard currently (2020 and 2021) used by Buenos Aires Health Ministery
  • COVID-19 Early Intelligent Alarm: Upgrade of the Early outbreak Alarm using H3 resolution 10 granularity and Artificial Intelligence between all the hexagons. This project is intended for COVID-19 and Dengue as well, and is funded by The Latinamerican Development Bank CAF.
  • Mobility-Index@Argentina: Development in team UNSAM-Telefonica of the Government-used mobility index to determine COVID-19 Quarantine and reactivation policies. The pack of tools include AI products predicting mobility and therefore detecting anomalies, as well as people flux matrices, among others.
  • Clinical Trials using Machine Learning: Proposal to improve Clinical Trial's finding using Machine Learning algorithms.

Activities organizer

PhD and BSc (Lic) formation


  • Lic. Federico Ravanedo (PhD, 2021-2025)
  • PhD Rosa Sandá (PhD, 2018-2021)
  • PhD Manuel Szewc (PhD, 2018-2021)
  • PhD Mariel Estevez (PhD, 2017-2021)
  • PhD Estefania Coluccio Leskow (2012-2016)
  • PhD Juan Ignacio Sanchez vietto (2011-2015)

BSc (Licenciatura)

  • Tomas Bedac (2024-2025)
  • Gaston Mazzei (2020-2021)
  • Federico Ravanedo (2019-2020)
  • Rosa Sanda (2017-2018)
  • Lic. Manuel Szewc (2017-2017)
  • Lic. Guido Van Der Velde (2016-2017)
  • PhD Estefania Coluccio Leskow (2011-2012)
  • PhD Juan Ignacio Sanchez Vietto (2011-2011)